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Old 01-06-2008, 04:32 PM
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Default Re: Anyone met a beastie boy?

Originally Posted by Jack Beats View Post
First of all, this is kinda ironic. I sent Adam H (who I've never met) a Happy New Year myspace message this morning and was pretty excited to come home tonight and see that he actually replied (how fucking cool is that). I'm pretty much checking this board right now just because I'm kinda fired up about him getting back to me. Saw this thread and had to reply with my encounter. I think it'll take the cake.

I'm 31 and have considered the boys my favorite band since freshman year in High School. Now I run a small business in SoCal doing private sports instruction for kids. One day in '05 I was sitting in my office and my cell rings ("Whatcha Want" ringtone). The guy on the line tells me he wants to set up a basketball clinic for his son's birthday party. I tell him I can do that and start taking his information.
"What's your name?". Mike
"Son's name?". Davis
"Last name?". Diamond


"Umm. What's your last name again?". Diamond

-I pee my pants a little-

"So, Mr. Diamond...How did you hear about us"

Now obviously I don't give shit how he heard about me. I just want him to talk so I can listen to his voice and confirm that I'm actually talking to Mike D. At the time I didn't know he had a kid named Davis but I knew he was married to Tamra Davis so the shit started to add up pretty quick. After a little more chit chat it was obvious, and I had to seriously restrain myself from flipping right the fuck out. I mean, can you imagine that shit? One second I'm sitting there alone in my office and 10 seconds later I'm on the line with Mike D. Moneymakin, Manhattan to Malibu, Mike Motherfucking D. In my ear. CRAZY!

Anyway, I kept it together long enough to lock down a date and next thing you know, a couple weeks go by and I showed up and hung out with the Davis-Dimaond family for an afternoon. Played ball with the kids while Mike took pictures, shamelessly asked for some autographs and kicked it with Mike and Tamra for a minute. I did my thing, the kids seemed like they had fun, and everyone was very very cool. Needless to say I walked away with a huge smile and a pretty goddamn unbelievable Hollywood story.

Pretty good shit huh? I know it's a long post, but I love telling that story.

NU UH! That's amazing!!!!!!!! Ok so sometimes Adrock sends messages on myspace? Man....i wouldn't of deleted mine if i knew that he sometimes sent messages out!

nothin wrong wit my leg jusss bGRL limpinn

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