Thread: Seriously..
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Old 01-22-2008, 09:22 AM
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Lex Diamonds Lex Diamonds is offline
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Arrow Re: Seriously..

That's cool that you feel somewhat cleansed. Maybe you don't need much more than just getting it out of your head and into the open. The shit that put me off is when they start drawing charts and graphs (of things like "safety" and "happiness") and talking about your childhood and using all this ridiculous conjecture to try and categorise your emotions. I still don't really agree with the premise of psychotherapy, I've come to realise I'm one of those old fashioned people that thinks dealing with shit yourself makes you stronger. But I guess if just having people to talk to is what you needed then that's cool, and keep us updated if you feel comfortable with it.

I'm going off, getting paid and I don't ask why

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