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Old 08-26-2008, 04:15 PM
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Freebasser Freebasser is offline
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Default Re: I've got a shiny new laptop

Originally Posted by ToucanSpam View Post
Must be a Mac user. Tell me, do you enjoy having Justin whatever his name is carrying your flag for you with those little clever commercials?
I am a mac user, but only at work. Macs are shit. Really shit. This is coming from someone who uses them for 8 hours a day.

At home, it's PC all the way. I used to know everything about computers because I used to play lots of cutting-edge PC games during the 90s at a time when hardware specs changed drastically weekly - I could tell you precisely why one videocard was better than another for example. Now, I'm just too past it to be honest. 95% of modern PCs can do pretty much anything, so there's no real need to keep check on hardware specs.

If you bought it new, and it cost a fair wedge of money, then chances are it'll do what you tell it to without much hassle.

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Bob: i call it a minge sack

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