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Old 09-17-2008, 09:58 PM
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Originally Posted by checkyourprez View Post
There are some definite contradictions within this statement.

First if they were boys you wouldn't care do take further action after the initial confrontation? Yet some of your reasoning behind doing what your doing is that it was your brother who died from an OD brought on by early drinking and drug use. That doesn't make sense to me.

Secondly the "he also grew up in europe" part. How does that change anything? Are Europeans aliens? Are they a different species? It's ok for Europeans to drink earlier but not Americans? Why?

I dont have a problem with your stance overall, just playing devils advocate on those points where I feel you contradicted yourself.
Like I mentioned before, it has been hard to express in words how this has affected me. My initial feeling to this ordeal was they are "teenage girls", and that's what bothered me the most.

My brothers passing has changed my views on a lot of things over the past 7 years. It came up during this situation, but he died of a drug OD ... So I was trying not to compare the two ... Even though he did drink at a young age, I was too young to see it to use it as an example.

Different countries have different drinking ages, I could be wrong but I think the UK is 18? and I am not sure about Canada ... So when I get feedback from people in other countries I have to take into account the legal age of drinking in their country. Here in America ... It is 6 years premature which I find reckless and excessive. Somewhere where its 18, they wouldn't find it a big deal.
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