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Old 09-20-2008, 11:42 AM
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abcdefz abcdefz is offline
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Default Re: Memorable cinema experiences.

Originally Posted by Bob View Post
not me, but my friend was watching return of the king, it was the scene towards the end, at mount doom, after frodo drops the ring in, and him and sam are sort of huddling together, and some guy says "damn, frodo 'bout to toss some salad"

That's pretty great.


Most packed screenings were opening weekends of Tootsie and also You Can Count on Me. For Tootsie, my buddy and I couldn't even
sit together. But the crowd was roaring at that one and also at You Can Count On Me (during the funny parts). For that one, my friend
and I had to take the last spots all the way front left. He's pretty tall, so he was all craped because there was a railing, but it was
good times.

Memento was another one. I was it with my friend Pappy in SF opening weekend and it was great. Lots of laughing, too -- that
movie is way funnier than people give it credit for.

"I don't feel drunk..."

Has anyone in this family ever even seen a chicken?

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