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Old 09-20-2008, 02:55 PM
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KingOfPop KingOfPop is offline
Just Beat it!
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: The Great Beyond
Posts: 156
Default Re: Won't You Come Visit My Wishing Tree?

Last night I dreamt that I was really the scarecrow from "The Wiz". A small dog came up to me and started jumping around, barking...just acting really crazy. It started to run, so of course I chased it. The dog began to grow larger. I could hardly keep up, so I grabbed his tail and pulled myself up onto his back. Suddenly his fur began to fall off and he turned into a robot! We flew high into space! Then I became my "normal" self...except I was wearing my Thriller outfit and a space helmet. We flew towards the sun at an incredible rate of speed! Stars were streaking by, I could almost feel my skin being ripped from my body. Next I fell off of the robot. I was floating through space...drifting aimlessly. It was at this moment that I awoke safe and sound in my bed. I was a little bit fightened, so I had my maid go downstairs and bring me a bowl of Coco Puffs, then I watched Scooby Doo and played with my Legos.


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