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Old 09-21-2008, 05:33 PM
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peterclamp peterclamp is offline
The name Praying Mantis
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Aylesbury - UK Chav Town!
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Default Re: Memorable cinema experiences.

Waiting in what seemed like a mile long queue to see the original Star Wars, the town only had one single screen cinema...I was 5 or 6 years old at the time, my whole family plus cousins and grandparents were there...then seeing the film for the first time...amazing.

Subsequent similar feelings seeing Empire and Jedi, plus the anticipation during the hype build up in the months before they came out.

Borat at the cinema...I swear some of the audience actually wet themselves laughing!

Second viewing of Reservoir Dogs, me watching the audience reaction during the torture/ear scene.

Going to see Jurassic Park with a Dutch friend with a poor grasp of English, the only seats we could get were right at the front so I had neckache and he just screamed and laughed at the top of his voice through the whole film even though he didnt understand most of the dialogue!

The closest I have come to having similar feelings to the Star Wars moment during my adult life...Lord of the Rings trilogy, first Matrix film, Batman Begins, some Harry Potter.

Oh and getting free tickets to see a preview screening of the first Pirates OTC film, I had no idea what it was about (bar the pirates bit!) and was onlygoing to see it cos the wife loves Johnny Depp...loved the film though!
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