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Old 11-22-2008, 07:47 AM
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na§tee na§tee is offline
non sequitur.
Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: bristol, my luvehr
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my employers commissioned some weird dream/art installation thingie (where basically you stay overnight in a gallery in special pods and they try to control your dreams with sounnnnnddzz) and it's now on tour, so i went to the ICA in london for the book launch/listened to the artists and some psychologists talk about dreaming and creativity and SHIT (it was actually quite interesting and totally unpretentious apart from some of the audience who introduced themselves as 'unapologetic jungians'). anyhiz, another one of their exhibitions was about 'incredibly strange comics'.. here's a snap of some choice ones.

i wish that girl moved out of the way, grr.

she's a pearl of a girl, i guess that's what you might say

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