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Old 02-20-2009, 02:27 AM
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YoungRemy YoungRemy is offline
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Default Re: Genius Thread II

Originally Posted by Dorothy Wood View Post
again, a chimp is not a monkey...and you really think that the author was referencing a theorem????? let say he was, but also forgot that chimps weren't monkeys, he's saying that a beserker chimp randomly typed out the new stimulus bill? and that this is the same chimp that lived in connecticut and ripped a woman's face off?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I get it now. oh wait, I still don't.
stop with the semantics.

monkeys vs chimps, goose vs. swans, that's not the fucking argument.

and yes, i believe it was a direct reference to "monkey at a typewriter" not the entire theorem.

again, congress wrote the stimulus package, not Obama.

The Post's Editor-in-Chief insists his cartoonist was simply mocking the authors of the fiscal stimulus Bill as no better than a team of trained monkeys. But the newspaper’s critics say Sean Delonas’s sketch was tantamount to calling for Barack Obama to be assassinated.
Dorothy, it's political cartoon satire, it's supposed to be controversial. The author is implying a monkey could have written the stimulus bill.

a monkey got shot and is in current events, he linked the two. did you see the "Beware of Dog" sign in the cartoon and in the photo of the crime scene in which a domesticated pet monkey was given Xanax, stabbed and shot by police?

Al Sharpton linked it to Obama. And the crowd went wild.

Long Burn The Fire. Rest In Peace Adam.

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