Thread: I have a crush.
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Old 03-23-2009, 08:20 PM
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Default Re: I have a crush.

Originally Posted by Nuzzolese View Post
Do you girls fear physically attractive men? Do you resist having even a secret, unrequited crush on them because you're afraid that your subconscious itself has such low self esteem that they would reject you even in your own imagination? Do you think good looks are too cliche? Is it tiring trying to come up with clever alternatives to "he's hot?" I see that the whole talking-like-a-foreign-child is working for you now but aren't you worried that it will become another cliche soon? What are your plans?
That's how I talk in real life and I'm not foreign, nor a child.

Who I find good looking has nothing to do with having low self esteem or fearing cliches. Why on earth would someone consciously decide to find a person attractive just because he's not conventionally good looking? I never deny my own internal wiring, not when it comes to physical attraction or anything else. I genuinely find all the people I've posted in here attractive and my self esteem is high enough to know that they'd come back running after I got my hands on 'em. Boom, snap, etc.

I'm also naturally pretty creative with my diction. I saw a cute Indian boy at a show the other night and said, "I'd like to sop him up with a piece of naan and EAT HIM RIGHT UP!" to a friend of mine. It came flying out of my mouth with little to no thought, so no, it's not at all tiring coming up with alternatives to "he's hot."

I've never analyzed my celebrity crushes as much as I have in the past few minutes while typing out this reply. And thank jesus. If I did, it wouldn't be nearly as much fun to have them.

Moving on...

I'm not particularly fond of The Strokes, and I have confirmation from a friend that he is a cokehead and a complete fucking idiot, but oh well. I enjoy looking at his pictures on the internet.

Originally Posted by saz View Post
wow, ddd is really craving the cock.

Last edited by DipDipDive : 03-23-2009 at 08:26 PM.
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