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Old 07-14-2009, 04:36 PM
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Default Re: The Family Album

Originally Posted by pshabi View Post
Cubs are not broke, dipshit. It's a tactical move by the Trib to sell the team quickly. Nice spin though.

Typical Sox fag who can't STFU about the Cubs. Wrigley is baseball. Get over it. Step-child syndrome on the southside over there is pathetic. What's worse is dildos like you who just beat it to death that "south side" is real baseball when you know you ain't got shit on the Cubs and the northside.

Then you want to stereotype "wouldn't expect a Cubs fan to know blah blah blah." YOU are the stereotype. Fuckbutt.
Wow, you sure seem angry and frustrated. You must get laid as often as your team wins championships.

Learn how to read. I never said the cubs were broke. I said the same thing as you, but more eloquently. I know the cubs print money over there. It's easy when most of the people that go through the turnstyles are yuppie transplants that will pay through the nose to people watch at the biggest berr garden in America.

If you like Wrigley and the Cub so much then enjoy going to that dilapidated dump that reeks of piss with the terrible food and piss warm beer. Enjoy paying the 3rd highest ticket price while you're there.

I love my south side baseball experience. I'm fine with being able to walk up, pay a reasonable fee and see a quality product without having to navigate my way through hoards of drunken assclowns while pieces of the stadium fall around me so I can piss in a trough.

Natalie admits it.
Blu agrees.
Sarky agrees.

I wonder what the big guy thinks?

I guess the truth really does hurt.
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