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Old 08-12-2009, 02:53 AM
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Default Re: The "ignore" thread

Originally Posted by Burnout18 View Post
I think healthcare costs are too high... congress can lower healthcare costs by capping premiums paid by docs and hospitals for malpractice insurance.

there, then the govt can get into the insurance business.

Obama made a comment today about how Fedex and Ups are doing great up against the post office. I guess he said this to quiet those who think that public healthcare will destroy the private insurance sector. Right Wingers are enjoying this comment because it points out that a quasi govt program sucks when compared to a corporation.

Not to speak for obama, but that isn't the point. The post office is there to provide a government service for those who need it. Thats what i think the public healthcare should be there for. For those who have to pay for cobra, like post college aged young adults, or people with dead-end jobs, or maybe people who are there own individual corporation. My cousin drives a truck, but doesn't meet any standards to join a union, so he has to pay for shit out of pocket. Thats who the public healthcare is for.
That seems reasonable to me in a number of ways -- a balanced viewpoint possibly appealing to people on 'both sides of the aisle' (lame expression I know as it implies there is only one aisle).

I think a government that provides 'free' health services with your taxes is a good one -- simple as that. The health services industry (in contrast) is about making money (i.e., maximising their profit at your expense). A true health service provider (by definition) should be about caring for people (not money making). There appears to me to be an inherent contradiction in a capitalistic health service. It is wrong for a "government of the people" to sell health and well-being to its citizens. A government could correct this situation in theory. However due to US historical and cultural legacy it may be too late. For many people in America it is considered to be morally sound to sell health. I think they are sadly mistaken for the following reasons specified below:

It is wrong that a government collects income tax (on almost every dollar of income), sales tax (on almost every item), road tax (tolls on some highways), sin tax (extra costs for cigs & booze), death tax on previously taxed income (hard to believe I know) and NOT provide universal healthcare (how can they get away with this in good conscience?). I think all this tax investment surely entitles one to the best healthcare in the world (especially when there are millions of people paying into such a tax system that takes so much of every dollar earned). Instead the US government spends its money on the military industrial complex (a shame beyond all proportions and belief).

Americans should be pissed off!

"A lot of record companies look at the numbers and they'll be like, 'Your first record sold 5 million and your second record sold only 800,000. What happened? You guys fell off, I think the band all feels that the record did really well. Most musicians I grew up playing music with would probably shoot me if I ever complained about selling 800,000 records."

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