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Old 10-18-2009, 05:48 AM
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russhie russhie is offline
Join Date: Aug 2007
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Default Re: The Family Album

Thanks everyone, appreciate it. I've been told I'm very sweet and nice and easy to get along with so it beats me why I tend to luck out with the dudes! ha.

In regards to self esteem issues: I grew up never quite being good enough at anything even though I was an A student, fit, healthy, happy, and a good person. I was made to feel as if I wasn't ever fulfilling my full potential, and this has carried over to adult life, so, I'm in pursuit of perfection and obviously that's not attainable, it doesn't exist, and I know this - it's just a shame that I can't seem to stop chasing. As well, I wasn't concious of how I looked till other people started paying attention to it and it became apparent that lots of people found me attractive in some way (each to their own). Now I feel this pressure to use the way I look because "not everybody is pretty" and it sadly consumes more of my time than I'd like to admit. It's eating away at me and I look back at the person I was before and wish I could be that carefree again.

All that is very personal and I don't really want to talk about it very much but I felt like it should maybe be addressed so I don't come across as an attractive person who is just being a pain in the arse about it. I fully realise I'm an idiot about the way I look and it's a struggle every day to not listen to the part of me that says I'm too ugly, too fat or too useless to be any good to anyone. We all have our baggage and this is mine.

Now, moving on
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