Thread: Wisdom Teeth
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Old 10-30-2009, 02:48 AM
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Default Re: Wisdom Teeth

Originally Posted by TOY View Post
I should while I have insurance, but I'm afraid to be put under.
aw dude don't put that off, do it while your insurance covers it

i think i've told my wisdom tooth story before but general anesthetic is the easiest thing in the universe. when i had my wisdom teeth pulled the dentist put the mask to my mouth and said "breathe deep and count backwards from 30" and i was like "30, 29, 28, 27, this isn't right, 26 i don't feel anything, 25 i don't smell anything, 24 i don't hear anything, 23 what if the anesthetic isn't working, 22 what if i'm awake through the whole thing and i" and literally the next thing i remember is my dad helping me into the car and me asking him "do i have cotton in my mouth?" and him laughing and telling me about how the dentist just explained about how they filled my mouth with gauze to deal with the bleeding and that i told them that i understood that fact.

then napping. lots and lots of napping.
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