Thread: Wisdom Teeth
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Old 10-30-2009, 08:30 AM
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Default Re: Wisdom Teeth

i was terrified of being but under for some reason. i went in and they hooked me up to the IV and told me they were going to leave and when they came back id be really sleepy. they came back in and put this thing on me that measured my heart rate/blood pressure and they were both through the roof, like 150bpm or something. so then the dentist starts to get pissy and he's like WE'RE NOT GONNA BE ABLE TO DO THIS IS YOU DONT CALM DOWN. thanks dentist guy. you're helping.

anyway eventually he tells the hygenist to give me a shot of something else i dont remeber the name of, so she does, and that brings everything down a bit but still not enough, so then he told her to give me a shot of ketamin, which i didnt even realize they use on humans. while she gave e said shot, he put the gas over my nose. shortly afterwards he stuck a rubber block in my mouth, i presume so that it was stuck open when i lost consciousness. some lady came in the room with a neato sounding russian accent. the next thing i knew i was awake again/ i never really realized i fell asleep and asked the chick unhooking me from stuff if my blood pressure was ok. they made me get in a wheelchair but part of the way out i just stood up and walked out. then i went home and chatted up some people on the internets.

so i guess the moral of the story is, if you wanna date rape me, its gonna take a lot.

Originally Posted by TurdBerglar View Post

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