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Old 11-30-2009, 04:25 PM
HEIRESS's Avatar
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Default Re: Christmas eats...

I go to the future Italian in-laws house for christmas eve and they do the traditional 9-13 non-meat dishes for that meal.

pretty much all of the non-meat dishes you mentioned above Moot are part of the spread.

plus some seafood pasta, a rapini dish, some sort of dish that uses this type of bean I haven,t never seen anywhere else, italian rice balls/patties with cheese, peas, sun dried tomatoes, or herbs (I pass on the ones with anchoves inside!), ridiculous huge fruit platter, ridiculous amounts of home-baked goods


then at my parents on Christmas day we have traditional fare with an Ukrainian twist:
home made cranberry sauce
garlicy brussel sprouts
sweet potatoes
cabbage rolls with mushroom cream sauce
pickled beets, pickles, olives
and home made paska bread

fuck presents, just give me food at Christmas.

Next stop, home ownership! I’m just kidding, the middle class is dying. You’ll be renting forever.

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