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Old 03-07-2011, 10:39 PM
Yetra Flam Yetra Flam is offline
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Default Re: I dont like my job, but I make a lot of money

Originally Posted by Bob View Post
are there no other similar types of employers you could go to? you've been doing your job for a while now, would your current experience help you get hired somewhere else? or do all the other jobs (assuming there are any or that they're hiring) pay shittily because they aren't paying their employees a "don't tell anyone about the shady things we do" premium?
My trade in general pays pretty well, I feel like I would probably be in the same kind of situation no matter where i went. I'm not so sure if its the place I work at, or the actual job that I'm doing that I have the most issue with.

Originally Posted by Bob View Post
yeah i think that's another element of it - these low paying entry level jobs, how shitty a paycheck are we talking? is it enough to live comfortably at all, or would you have to move in with roommates or roaches or drug dealers or whatever?

i guess basically what i'm asking is do you want to stay where you are now because this is the amount of money you need to make to live comfortably and not have to worry about bills and all that, or do you have more of a general sense of not wanting to take a step down and make less money?
I guess an average entry level job would pay like $12 an hour, maybe more, maybe less. To be realistic, you really can't live off that in New York. Well, i mean you can, but you would have to live in a not-so-hot neighborhood with a thousand roommates, and really make an effort to save every penny. Shit's expensive here.

And also I guess I dont want to step down and take less money. Its lame, but it does give me confidence and a sense of worth, knowing that I'm doing well for myself. Its like Jay Z said; (yes i'm quoting Jay Z, i'm silly) "If you grew up with holes in ya zapatos you'd be celebrating the minute you was havin' dough"

Originally Posted by tejana View Post
every job has the same problem: PEOPLE. There are gonna be rude, dorky, unethical, etc. people everywhere... conversely, there are kind, interesting, smart, etc. people, too-- sometimes it's just your attitude, sometimes it's a corporate/institutional culture that attracts a certain type. accept responsibility for when it's just you being whiny. otherwise,...
You're definitely right about that! People are absolutely what frustrates me the most. The most irritating part of my job is the customer service element. I do enjoy working with dogs; they dont yell at you, call you stupid, or a bitch, tell you that you're no good at your job, write shitty reviews about you on yelp.
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