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Old 03-07-2011, 11:22 PM
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Default Re: I dont like my job, but I make a lot of money

yeah, $12 doesn't seem like enough to live in a city like new york. i live on the outskirts of boston with three roommates and even with that $12/hr would be cutting it pretty close, i don't think there's anything wrong with not wanting to lower yourself to that

i dunno, i've only recently found a job myself so i guess i'm not too qualified on this, but my advice would be to stay put, try not to feel guilty, and keep your eyes open for something better that pays at a level you're comfortable with. then if you find it, fucking bolt for it. look into those other jobs in your trade, maybe it'll turn out that it's just your company that's shitty.

there's definitely no rule that says that you have to do something you hate to live comfortably. the job i have now (which i lucked into, i'll admit) pays fine and doesn't make me hate myself. i wouldn't say i love it or that i have a passion for it, but after 17 months of unemployment and finding a non-law job that's willing to look past my law degree/license i'm happy as a clam to be doing it.

and that sounds like bragging probably, i don't mean to, i just mean that it shows that you don't necessarily have to hate your job to make a comfortable amount of money. keep your eyes open for something better, but in the meantime, you have a job and can support yourself, so try not to feel too bad about being able to look after yourself. someone has to!

but yeah, i dunno. i'm not great at the job advice thing. i went to law school to avoid that problem, then i ended up doing something else after 17 months of nothing anyway so perhaps someone more experienced/less dumb could weigh in
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