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Old 05-04-2012, 01:10 PM
M|X|Y M|X|Y is offline
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Default Re: TMZ : "YAUCH DEAD"

this is what i was afraid of.

thanks to the universe for giving us yauch for all these years.

a lot of us feel like he's family and this strikes many of us as though he was.

having grown up listening to yauch, grown closer to the music, the message and the group.. i just can't believe he's gone.

even though we all knew that there was a chance this might happen sooner rather than later this is still a shock.

i am so thankful for the time i've/we've gotten to 'spend' with yauch... albums, shows, videos, interviews and thoughts - he has thoroughly filled our lives with a part of himself that will always live on through each of us forever.

i feel that as the man grew, many of us have grown. thank you for in your own way guiding all of us through many of the difficulties of growing up through your example.

thank you for teaching me/us that you are never doomed to be just one you, that life is all about evolution - growth and becoming a better person.

thank you for teaching me/us that individuality doesn't come from your clothes or the color of your hair, but rather from your willingness to live from your heart authentically.

thank you adam yauch.

many condolences to his family and to mike and adam.

beastie boys forever.
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