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Old 05-05-2012, 01:47 AM
brmanuk brmanuk is offline
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Default Re: TMZ : "YAUCH DEAD"

I remember getting the 'Houston we have a problem...' announcement in 2009 and being gutted, but until the Rock and Roll Hall of fame I never thought It'd come to this. I'm so sad about this; I've never cried over a celebrity death before. Adam (and the rest of the Beasties) have been my musical idols for almost a decade now and he had an extremely positive influence on my life. Not only in how I appreciate music but how I appreciate other people. Adam talked about accepting other people who are different to yourself in order to create a harmonious world and that's something I've believed ever since I got into the Beasties' albums. Adam raised awareness for issues and things that I would never have otherwise known about and he just seemed like such a cool, positive guy to be around. Not only that, but he had awesome wacky rhymes, too

"Jump out of a window on to a parade balloon,
My style is iller than the goblins in Troll 2"

I'm going to see Troll 2 (for the first time) tonight at the cinema.

My thoughts go out to his family and friends.

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