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Old 05-06-2012, 06:38 PM
vivrant vivrant is offline
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Default Re: Adam Yauch - 1964-2012

I'm yet another user who hasn't been active here, but came back after I heard the news this weekend.

My initial reaction was numbness. Read posts on TMZ, Rolling Stone, even the official website... still felt surreal.
So incredibly sad.

As a lot of others have said, my thoughts go out to his family and friends. I can't imagine how hard this must be for them.
But it's amazing to see how much of an impact the Beastie Boys/MCA had on the world. The articles, blog posts, tweets and comments that have been flooding in from so many different people make you realise how many lives have been touched by the BBoys.

I don't come here often, I don't know many of you, but this message board is one of the first things which came to mind when I heard the news. All of you. And while this is incredibly tragic news, it's inspiring to come back here and see all of you being so supportive of each other.

RIP MCA, a great man, father and friend.

/internet hugs for everyone

Stay strong guys, the music and the message lives on.
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