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Old 05-25-2012, 04:43 PM
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LuciferHam LuciferHam is offline
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Default Re: The Dark Knight Returns

Don't change the thread title, it actually raises an interesting point.

Batman film sequals are never titled by numbers but by a verb such as returns, begins, rises or by an adverb such as forever, the first being Tim Burton's Batman Returns.

Its just interesting that Christopher Nolan would choose to follow this format for his Batman franchise, even though its supposedly a seperate franchise or re-imagining or whatever.

This connection between Burton's franchise and Nolans raises the issue that his franchise is perhaps not so seperate from Burtons.

No matter what director is putting Batman on the big screen, its forever going to be in the shadow of Tim Burton's version.

Maybe this is meaningless. Or maybe not. Perhaps all the hype surrounding Nolan's franchise will wither away, and people will remember Batman for its first large studio film incarnation.

Just sayin'. IMO the 1989 Batman is still the classic. Will check out Dark Knight Rises never the less, Nolan's other two have been good if not over-rated.

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