Thread: MCA Tributes
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Old 06-05-2012, 08:08 AM
gordonjr gordonjr is offline
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Default Re: MCA Tributes

I was very critical of Chris Brown previously. keep in mind he is about the age Yauch was when he was tearing shit up back in the License to Ill days.. And Chris brown is the age where (many) of us were doing crazy shit too, stuff we may not be proud of. I know i've done SOME CRAZY SHIT, dirty, mean, disrespectful.

I wish I'd been doing it before, but i hope all of us, if only out of respect and love for our man MCA, start being more forgiving of people, more understanding, and not add to the negative energy fo the world by judging people to harshly. Since Yauch's passing, it's been on the forefront of my behavior-being kind, every word and action we take has an effect on our lives and the world.

"A ships wake does not dictate it's course."

"What is pleasing to the eye. In the delusion of my sight. Is not what I find when I reach into the light. I have lost my mind. I'm walking though time. Deluded as the next guy. Pretending and hoping to find. That distant peace of mind."

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