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Old 07-13-2012, 12:22 PM
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GreenEarthAl GreenEarthAl is offline
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Default Re: Earth may be near tipping point

We live in an imaginary fantasy that says eternal growth is sustainable. We live there because wealth concentrationists benefit from us being there. If everyone can close their eyes and plug their ears and sing la la la really loud we can get back to believing that the GDP can grow forever, population can grow forever, resource extraction can grow forever, and "economic development" and industrialization can continue on their merry way. Don't you worry. If you can just hang tight through a little more oceanic acidification and a few million inconsequential species disappearing from the earth, one day it IS ALL GONNA TRICKLE DOWN! OH MAN IS IT GONNA TRICKLE DOWN! (party!)

Gotta spread love before the world goes [cookoo]

Read, Black & Green

My Rap Name is Alex

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