Originally Posted by Guy Incognito
i realise that i am going to lose a lot of the small amount of man points that i have but you are all fucking mental.
I respect your bravery and love of the thrill, i get all that but being in control of a big ass bike is not something i would ever want or enjoy.
Serious questions: does it not constantly worry you that you are more likely to have an accident than a motorist or that you are less protected? Does thinking about being safe lessen the enjoyment of it? Doesnt the restriction of most roads frustrate?
I've been biking my whole life. it's like an extension of myself. totally second nature as would anything would be if done that long. and these bikes, well the good ones at least, are very light and nimble. and I don't really see myself as doing anything really all that extreme. that video I posted is pretty much the extent of what I do. to me that's very tame compared to what can be done. my bike is a full blown full suspension mountain bike and it only weighs about 25lbs. so it's not this behemoth that you need to lug around. it's not any different than playing any other sport. the person playing the sport never really worries about the potential injuries or how crazy it may be because they've just been doing it their WHOLE life.
if you're freaked out by that shit you should check out downhill mountain biking. that shit is insane.