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Old 12-23-2013, 10:00 AM
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abbott abbott is offline
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Default Re: health care in the USA

So as it stands I need to come up with an additional $500 a month for much less. I tried to ask if I could cancel the free gym membership I get to reduce my monthly fee but that is not an option. Unfortunately for me I work out at home and ride my bike, so I am paying for a gym I don't want. But I am thankful that the gym is getting paid.

My rich brother in law has 500 employees and he said it cost his company 1.2 million to get compliant and he believes he is getting less for that. Dont worry about is 1.2 million loss and unhappy employees, because he will just pass that expense on to the Texans that purchase cars from one of his dealerships.

I think the real problem is politicians make new laws in baby steps towards their real agenda. So what we have is a law stepping toward the real goal. Mainly because the real goal is so radical it would never take off. I say stop being a pussy and get the full program you want out there, because this half ass approach to fully socialized medical care is making me think our politicians are a bunch of pussies.

I have insurance for my car, and I have to by law. But I dont have to buy it from the government and I dont have to pay for a tow truck company Ill never use. Probably a bad comparison.

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