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Old 02-05-2014, 09:06 PM
Yetra Flam Yetra Flam is offline
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Default Re: people who deny climate change

Yeah, the argument for the world only being 5000 years old is not strong.
But I think you can still be a Christian without taking everything the Bible says literally. "Judge Christianity by Christ alone," is what they say. I think a lot of people misunderstand the point of the Old Testament and have taken parts out of it to condone slavery, oppress people, etc.

My understanding is that the Old Testament is a record of views and the laws of the land AT THAT TIME. So at that time, it was believed that the world was created in 7 days (this was before carbon dating, etc)

Anyway, with the conspiracy people, you know people want to feel like they're part of a group. Especially people who are outsiders and don't really identify with anyone. I think it brings relief to some people that believe they've been disenfranchised with society
And I always tell people that there's a sliding scale of "conspiracy." I mean "Some Politicians are corrupt and are in the pocket of big business" is not at the same level as "There are lizard people living inside our hollow earth"
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