Thread: President Trump
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Old 11-09-2016, 08:23 AM
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abbott abbott is offline
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Default Re: President Trump

well I know I got my $300 per month increase of Obama care 1 week before election. So did alot of other tax payers who need to sale their home to pay for insurance.

and I lost a few more benefits.

so my increase was more than my original/better pre Obama care plan

so I am now paying $800 a month vs $270 and I have to pay cash at the doctor because it is to expensive to use my insurance. I can pay cash and save 50% or can pay double and have it applied toward a deductible i most likely will never pay.

I think that is a major issue no in is talking about.

Anyway my candidate, same on I voted for the past 2 elections before this one did not win.

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