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Old 03-17-2017, 01:24 AM
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Default Re: Life without the Beastie Boys

Originally Posted by Uru-Nitro View Post
Every time I listen the first chords of the song #14, Song for Junior, a huge feeling of nostalgia grows in me. Not necessary in the bad way, but I just "see" myself listening to that particular song with 14 y.o. in a quiet spring night, watching the city lights, and I can describe exactly the feelings that I was feeling in that moment.
Other songs bring me back to past eras, but few songs bring me back to very specific moments. I love those songs, and Hello Nasty has many of them for me. I think it's a musical masterpiece, probably one of the last albums ever made. And by album I mean a whole artistic concept: musical coherence in all songs, the transitions between songs, the packaging and the overall spaceship concept... On the digital era we only have great songs, but no great albums, in my opinion.
I 100% feel the same about past feelings and albums.Nice to know other people feel like me and the importance of music to a human being

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