Thread: Crushes
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Old 05-02-2017, 05:16 PM
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Dorothy Wood Dorothy Wood is offline
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Default Re: Crushes

Originally Posted by zippo View Post
you don´t sound so convinced about your current boyfriend, i´m thinking if you guys have been distanced or in a bad cycle, thinking that is normal and will probably soon go away. but if everything is somewhat normal between you two and you´re like this, then maybe it´s something more serious to consider.

as corny as it may sound, sometimes you know deep inside you´re not where you should be and it´s never healthy to ignore that feeling, if this is the situation. it might not even be about this crush but more about what you´re feeling (or not) for your boyfriend.

all i know is relationships are never easy, it´s admitting that when things start to get better.
Well, I was/am not unhappy with the relationship, but I do think there were issues going unaddressed, and we had a big talk about things. Mainly, my bf and I are independent and coexisting, rather than building an adult partnership. We are loving and supportive of each other, and have been together 7.5 yrs. I have never sought anyone else because I was honestly never attracted to anyone else, and thought I was pretty lucky to find such a nice and handsome man who loves me so much. He's just not a practical person. I don't know, we're just different people. We're working on things though. I mentioned he might have a better match out there because there are women who would probably share his interests more than I do. I told him as much, he says he doesn't care if I don't like the same things. We usually have a good time together though.

Are you supposed to be with your twin? Probably not? The crush is more similar to me, we are on the same wavelength, which is appealing, but ultimately I don't know what that means.

I think this will continue to torment me for years.

Originally Posted by Freebasser View Post
So wait, this guy is driving around in his jeep with his cat and his television in the back and he's got his favourite music blaring away and... I think I've missed the point.

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