Originally Posted by bigfatlove06
The only reference to two different versions of The Vibes that I can find originate with the order form for the custom anthology that suggests there are two versions available. I ordered both, got them both, and can't tell any difference between either versions available to order, or any previously existing versions. Very much like having two different versions of Putting Shame In Your Game available for your custom anthology (Prunes remixes one and two).
Ah, ok. Probably just an error then.
I think I've mentioned this before, but these custom discs used to be a dime a dozen in the early 2000s back in my hometown. People were still buying CDs and then selling them to record stores for money. I never made one though.
I remember the CD version of the official Sounds of Science anthology came in this packaging that ended up really scratching the hell out of the CDs, often to the point where they'd skip after less than a year of use. Did the custom discs suffer this same packaging problem?