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Old 09-10-2018, 07:03 PM
Sir SkratchaLot Sir SkratchaLot is offline
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Arrow Re: whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!?!?!?!

Originally Posted by dust monkey View Post
ha fair enough Skratch... to be or not to be schooled. i honestly did not know nor did i ever lookup so thx for heads-up.
You'd never know unless you live in Virginia because it kind of makes sense from the outside that Charlottesville would be some type of civil war town with white supremacist, rebel flag waving rednecks all around, but that's not at all how it is in real life. The University of Virginia is pretty dominant in Charlottesville and there's lots of money in the surrounding county, ... horse farms with pretentious sounding names and whatnot. You've got kids playing polo, soccer and lacrosse. Let me put it this way, it's the type of place where you can buy a baguette at the gas station.

I talked to one lady who was a local counter-protester and she was hit and run at the rally. She said the lady who hit her was from Florida and had tunz of gunz in her minivan. The guy who murdered Heather Heyer was from Ohio.
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