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Old 12-17-2018, 01:25 PM
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Default Re: beastie book (spoilers)

Originally Posted by dave790 View Post
Great write up

I actually think Mike D is the MVP of the book though. Horovitz is entertaining throughout and, yes, perhaps more of a natural. But I still think Mike writes really well and actually covers more actual info. I feel like it was harder for him to write (as interviews have testified), but I really think he brings the narrative back into line throughout. A crying shame that he went missing for the final stages though, and personally I’d have liked more coverage of the post-1998 years in general. It reads like an Adrock overview - no bad thing, but I wanted more.

And, if I’m being completely honest, I wish there was more overall... It sounds ridiculously entitled in the face of near 600-page book. But if you break down Adam and Mike’s contributions (brilliant as they are), what are we looking at? 100-200 pages max? Some of the contributions work well (eg. Luc Sante) but many are dispensable for me. The white boy bouillabaisse is nothing, as is the oral history of cookie puss. Wasted pages! Just my opinion, but they are not even necessary diversions, yet alone good ones.

Can’t argue with the majority of the photos though And I’m knowingly being very harsh overall, I’m glad the book exists - but I’m just a sucker for hearing from Mike and Adam above all else. It’s a gift to the fans for sure and a brilliant process for both of the to go through. I’ll also never forget meeting them. I ultimately finished the book wanting more, which betrays both its undoubted strengths as well as its regrettable weaknesses.
Agreed about the vast majority of the supplemental material. I couldn't care less about most of it. The only thing I did enjoy was the cookbook. I would have rather had a breakdown of more album cuts, or some more material about the group than Amy Poehler's dumb quips about their music videos. Like you said, it would have been better to hear more from the boys themselves in replace of that stuff. Then again, it took them a hundred years to write this, so I think what we got was the absolute best they could do, for better or worse.

Thats insane, you're should sleep late man, it's just much easier on your constitution.

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