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Old 02-17-2019, 06:32 AM
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Default Re: Similar music style recommendation

Originally Posted by Micodin View Post
odelay sounds like a beck record produced by the dust bros and saying it sounds like a beastie record is a stretch at most. i enjoy the record quiet a lot and have long celebrated (saw beck 3 times on the odeley tour) it but it doesn’t sound like pauls boutique 2.0 or a beastie record at all. it has all the elements of a beck's earlier records with interesting song structures, lyrics with the dust bros sample production. i just don’t hear the three’s energy at all on odeley.

the only record that sounds like a beasties record is obv Hurricane’s The Hurra. nothing else comes close. it's a perfect beasties companion piece.
The Hurra is pretty average in my view. DFL’s first album or Mark’s Keyboard repair (which is superior) both meet your criteria equally well.

The Hurra has some interesting moments, some great, but went double styrofoam for a reason. Cane doesn’t have the lyrical chops or personality to carry an album vocally, and the best productions sound like IC off-cuts at most. It is dope that Mark, Bobo and Mario turn up (in addition to the three), but not much stronger a case than Odelay.

It’s an interesting topic, though. I like the Beastie Boys because I don’t think there is a straight answer to the hypothesis you and McDuff have put forward.

Shout at the Devil!

Last edited by Kid Presentable : 02-17-2019 at 06:44 AM.
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