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Old 02-17-2019, 08:59 PM
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Brother McDuff Brother McDuff is offline
crazy sniffable
Join Date: Feb 2004
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Default Re: Similar music style recommendation

A critical buzz word i left out was “spirit”. Odelay shares a similar spirit to me, in influences, personnel, place in time, production, and most of all playfulness. Its heavily tongue in cheek on a surface level, but at the core some truly serious artistry. Much like our fellas.

All good though, I realized I was stirring a pot with that observation, and welcome the criticism, as I know its a hella subjective anecdote. And frankly just a stimulating topic to me in general, as I enjoy these discussions with you good folks. Cheers to the fam and this forum where we can maturely debate and adore all things beastie respectfully with like-minded friends.

heavy love to the collective you.

it's just 2 wheels and me, the wind in eyes...

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