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Old 02-28-2019, 05:47 PM
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Default Re: Adam Yauch’s Last Song

Originally Posted by dust monkey View Post
thought about this long and hard and i agree. from what i understand phife was around for most of the tribe recording... i recall wanting to know what input he had when announced and I want to say it was just he and tip for like half a year or something. stitching a full beastie album together with new/old music and new/old vocals is something suge knight would do with every scrap of 2pac vocals left on tape.

agree though they would never do anyway
It’s miles different to the Suge example, though. You’re really going to liken Mike and Adam to that creep? I’m not sure they wouldn’t do it, and couldn’t pull it off. They wrote a book in a way we couldn’t have ever predicted.

I don’t want to infer they would do it for the wrong reasons, either, but whatever they’ve got left lying around, if they wanted to share it, they’d surely give it’s due respect in terms of presentation. And if that’s just polishing up old recordings, then great!

I guarantee if they did repurpose and create a ‘collage’ (and it’s a big, gross if from what I’m reading) you’d hear it and love it, though. It’s them. Come on. We all have concerns about execution, and it’s a sensitive subject, but 2/3 of the Beastie Boys have far better sensibilities about how to do it (and why) than we do.

Let’s say Yauch’s last song is a solo joint; easy, that could be an ‘as is’. But if they wanted to layer some pre-recorded fuzz bass or other random vocal - or instrumental - shit of their own in there too, I wouldn’t be mad.

We know in every instance, no matter which way they ultimately go, their intentions are pure. That’s enough, surely.

Shout at the Devil!

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