Thread: More Tour Dates
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Old 04-24-2019, 09:59 PM
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Default Re: More Tour Dates

Originally Posted by Extra Cheese View Post
Michael k. Williams played Bob Dylan and Ben Stiller had a short segment while sitting in the audience for the Tuesday night show. What were the surprises at the other shows?
Steve Buscemi did a skit on the April 10'th show, which was ok, but came off pretty scripted. Still, pretty cool. Also, Lena Dunham played Bob Dylan, which was groan-inducing. NY has no love for her, regardless of what HBO wants you to think with that stupid show she had. The audience (which was great the entire night) was pretty much in solidarity in hating her being there. Not funny at all.

My impression of the show was overall positive. I thought Mike D was much better at being tongue-in-cheek. Adrock had a much more natural charisma and stage presence, but I think he over-acted, if that makes any sense. My favorite part was easily when they went over the Rick Rubin stuff. That was absolutely hysterical. Roddy Piper got a big pop from the crowd.

Thats insane, you're should sleep late man, it's just much easier on your constitution.

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