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Old 04-28-2019, 01:34 PM
Micodin Micodin is offline
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Default Re: Lots of rare items for sale

Originally Posted by bigfatlove06 View Post
I have seen them play live maybe 9 times. There are others who have basically followed them on whole tours. I spent a ton of time and money tracking down physical copies. Other's spent a ton of time and money just experiencing things and walking away with a T-shirt and a memory. My way worked for me and I wouldn't change it, but I love the stories from folks who got out and did shit. That's all.
yeah, i was one of those “walking away w/a t-shirt” people. i’ve seen the boys 24 times. i went to 12 of the gala shows with one of my best friends. it was glorious. while i think it’s great that u guys collect everything the band put out and became historians, i have a nice personal beastie collection but nothing like u guys do. the boys inspired me to make beats so i spent my time and resources on buying gear and records to make music. tbh, i get more of a charge working on tunes everyday than sitting in my spare room staring at my rare white labels.
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