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Old 05-18-2019, 08:21 AM
Micodin Micodin is offline
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Default Re: Why have'nt they released HSCPT1 yet?

Originally Posted by bigfatlove06 View Post
I was thinking more along the lines that the album was completed and they were already doing press and sending advance copies to DJs for remixes, before it was delayed. So it wasn't like they thought the mixes were unworthy, More so they just decided to tweak things along with the album cover, track listing, title, and whatever else. Even if they never decide to release them as part of a commercial project, those advance copies are still out there somewhere, and eventually they'll surface.
agree completely. they’re out there.

i personally want to hear them because imo the pre-Zdar Part One mixes sound a lot closer to the CYH, IC, HN, Mario C vibes. my fav Beastie eras. The Zdar mixes are a little too slick and modern for my liking. they sound like remixes to me.
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