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Old 09-10-2019, 03:12 PM
bigfatlove06 bigfatlove06 is offline
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Default Re: New Colored Vinyl Reissues

Originally Posted by tuc70021 View Post
Maybe this is a pretty obvious question, but does anyone know if you can just place multiple orders for the Root Down EP to get around the "limit 2 per product" restriction on KRM? I know you can do the whole bundle + just EP combo to get 4 copies, but is there any chance if I just place 2 different orders for 2 Root Down copies each, KRM would cancel one of them?
If you pay them for the order they'll send it. The only reason I included the bundle with tee is just in case it was limited or somehow different, and that it was set to ship 4 days ago (which it hasn't, which means I spent a bunch of money for nothing). If you just want your best shot at random colors then place separate orders for 2xeach of how many ever you want.
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