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Old 11-25-2019, 05:19 PM
bigfatlove06 bigfatlove06 is offline
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Default Re: Egg Man Accapella

Originally Posted by tuc70021 View Post
I could be mistaken, but wasn't there an instrumental version of Paul's Boutique that someone found in a thrift shop or a $1 bin or something? I'm not near my home computer now, but I know I have the rips on my hard drive.

I thought the story went: someone found an old tape in a box with no label, and when they played it, it was the instrumentals to PB. I think the question was whether this was some kind of tape that they were using to practice their demos or if it was a tape someone with access to the masters made and smuggled out. Someone even mentioned that a very skilled audio technician could - if given the right format - drop most of the vocals from a completed track.

Am I crazy or was this a thing?
That was a story I heard about some of the demos from Def Jam. The PB instrumentals cassette was definitely produced by them.
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