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Old 06-01-2020, 01:15 PM
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dust monkey dust monkey is offline
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Default Re: Herb ass Ricky Powell got that doc out

what does everyone think about RP? he used to make me laugh, his pics are iconic to say the least, he's an artist who shouldn't have been an artist and no doubt he captured a special moment in time. he's a schlep but he's also the first one to tell you he's a schlep. he's prob broke as hell. seems like their was def a parting of the seas, beasties went one direction and he took a hard left the other. we'll never know but i'd be shocked if either of them are in the doc, at least anything less than archival footage. just seems like they tried real hard to distance themselves from him before social distancing was a thing.

can't wait to see doc though.

thank you adam adam & mike

Last edited by dust monkey : 06-01-2020 at 01:21 PM.
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