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Old 12-05-2020, 08:39 PM
3stooges 3stooges is offline
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Default Re: Never saw the Beasties do this.

I agree with your assessment. Sometimes a white person could say it and it would amount to nothing. But, they have to realize, everyone does not feel the same way about it, so they are always running a risk of offending someone. Unless of course, they are among a group of good friends. But even then it's reckless to get into the habit of saying it, in my opinion.

Originally Posted by tuc70021 View Post
Alllllllllllllllrighty then.....

I'm assuming most of us on this board were around at the time, but for those who might be younger, just know that there are different perspectives about how things were at the time, specifically regarding the n-word and it's use by white people.

From my perspective, things were kind of "loose" at the time, but I'd definitely say that was limited more or less to hip-hop, and even there the jury was very, very out. In fact, while people like A Tribe Called Quest were openly embracing the word on Midnight Marauders, lots of black leaders were calling for everyone - including black people - to stop using it. Al Sharpton and others even had a "funeral for the n-word" in New York.

From my point of view, this whole question about can white people use it was kind of a cultural moment in a very specific sphere, but the resounding answer was "no." I guess picture it this way: imagine you are just some regular ol' straight man, but you happen to have lots of gay friends and you're really cool with them. Now, could you walk into a gay-owned business, a gay club, etc. and yell "Oh what's up fags!?" Like..... maybe, but for everyone who gave you a pass, 5x as many would probably be like "who the fuck is this jabroni?"

This would probably be filed (to borrow a term from MCA) under the band's "wrong moments" or "oops" files. Obviously they had no malintent, but looking back it's like.... probably could have just substituted another word in there without destroying the "integrity" of the song. Not out of pressure from any PC mobs or anything, but just because it's probably the right thing to do. I would never say it out loud even if I was using some else's lyrics (huge reveal on the message board: I'm white), but that's not because I care about being PC or I'm afraid of what would happen. A lot of people were just brought up to not use it ever, so we don't.

But this show looked fucking BOMB! Damn I wish I was there...
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