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Old 12-10-2020, 07:43 AM
Jiberish Jiberish is offline
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Default Re: Never saw the Beasties do this.

Originally Posted by dust monkey View Post
2 cents.

it was said, hopefully you learned something and matured and that's it...keep movin'.
I'd rather be a hypocrite than a zombie - Ad Rock

Over The Years, I've Grown And Changed So Much
Things I Know Now Years Ago, I Couldn't Touch
There Are Things I've Done That I Wouldn't Do Again
But I'm Glad That I Did 'Cause I've Learned From Them - MCA

i've got a hole in my head and there's no one to fix it
got to straighten my thoughts, i'm thinking too much sick shit
everyone just takes and takes, takes, takes, takes
i've got to step back, i've got to contemplate - Mike D

I've thought about these lyrics (and quote) a lot as I get older, and I gotta say, it's one of the things that keeps me firmly "in it" as far as diehard fan. I love that they acknowledge mistakes and keeping yourself in check. Both lyrically, and when put on the spot about changes to their public persona.

For me at least, I come back to these thoughts when I realize I've grown and changed and other people I'm close with haven't. I'm only responsible for myself. And it's on me to make sure I end up a better person than I was when I was 15-25-35 whatever age. end stream of conscious pre-coffee thoughts.

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