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Old 09-17-2004, 01:34 AM
yetti_n_wa yetti_n_wa is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: psychoville, wa
Posts: 6
Talking Correction

I meant in my original post that I do not like Beasties need for using unneccessary examples. I think this tactic hurts them greatly. All these dogs, sasquashes. There touching on dangerous territory...which is causing them to do what they are doing right now. Flip flop back and forth like pre=schoolers on different subject matter.

They are way to cool for that....they say that themselves!

The beasties have stayed gone too long and its seems they are using what I consider to be too many gimmicks and irrationally lame jokes to prove a point. Which most may not get. However, since living in crazyville, wa I get.

Afterall, I am starting to Hate the beasties though I was never a fan in the first place. I am just pretending to be a fan! Until this summer I couldnt have told you who they were.


I am hairy, I am all natural and I am being stalked by the beasties! (fill in the blank)

Last edited by yetti_n_wa : 09-17-2004 at 01:38 AM.
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