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Old 10-07-2004, 04:18 PM
James Jupiter James Jupiter is offline
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Default Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys

Originally Posted by Yauch
true true, in retrospect maybe we really should have just let the whole thing alone, and let it fade away. but then again, this seems like a good thread, so maybe it was for the best as it gets people talking about things like this. i'll say one last thing on the topic and then i'm gonna leave it alone.

i don't think that we ever looked at it like someone was going to hear the song and run out and beat someone up right there and then. we were looking at it more like, songs like that have an effect over time. when you hear "smack my bitch up, smack my bitch up, smack my bitch up..." over and over again from a band that you like, it gets drilled into your head.

if someone is impressionable and looks up to the band, maybe it leaves them feeling like in certain cases it's ok to give a woman a smack. even if they don't smack anyone themselves, just feeling that it is ok to do that is destructive, because it makes that kind of activity just a little more acceptable in our society.

Again, i’m not saying that songs like that should be banned, but I do think that having discussions (like this one) about what affects they could have, are good.
Your argument could be used against all kinds of media. If an impressionable person plays a videogame involving shooting people will they think it is ok to do it in real life? The same goes for action movies, TV shows, music, etc. Should normal, well-balanced people not be allowed to enjoy this sort of entertainment because of a tiny minority of impressionable people?
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