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Old 10-13-2004, 06:15 PM
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sXe Boogaloo sXe Boogaloo is offline
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Posts: 599
Default Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys

wow, i don't know what to say about this thread. i mean, i do see both sides to this story and it's not my place to say who is right and who is wrong. all i can say is that this thread reminds me of a quote i read. it helped me shed some light on things so i'll share it with you and hopefully it will shed some positive light on this matter. it goes something like this:

"A great deal of our suffering comes from having too many thoughts. And, at the same time, the way we think is not sane. We are only concerned by our immediate satisfaction and forget to measure its long-term advantages and disadvantages, either for ourselves or for others. But such an attitude always goes against us in the end. There is no doubt that by changing our way of seeing things we could reduce our current difficulties and avoid creating new ones."

so you see, to me it not a matter of who is right and who is in the wrong. it's about mistakes we make and how we learn cope and change them because we are only human beings who strive for answers to gain perfection. we will never gain anything but hate and anger for ourselves and our peers if we choose to loop in a circle because we continue find fault and dwell on it. and life it to short and precious to do so. it's best to identify the problem; learn from it and move on. and by doing so, we grow wise mentally and spiritually. but that's just me.

anyway, i hope that helps a lil bit.

much love to you all

yeah my babys pretty as a car crash, subtle as a splinter;
smooth as sandpaper, warm just like the winter...
it's heavy and it hurts and it's love

"i don't know (too)" inspired by yauch's "i don't know". thanks yauch!

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