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Old 10-15-2004, 06:45 AM
David H David H is offline
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Join Date: May 2004
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Default Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys

By making a cheap comment about the Beastie Boys new album makes Liam Howlett an Idiot. Especially seeing as he hasnt managed to be creative enough to make an album in the last 7 years!

But by playing smack my b*tch up at Reading as if he were acting in defiance of what he perceived as censorship from the Beastie Boys makes him a hypocrite as well.

In 1997, when the Prodigy released the album 'Fat of the Land', containing that song, K-Mart refused to sell it on the grounds that the lyrics were "offensive". Almost over night the Prodigy issued a cleaned-up version of the song and thus ensured the album was sold in the lucrative US market.

It's funny how Howlett's views on censorship dont apply when money is involved!
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