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Old 10-16-2004, 12:12 PM
dave790 dave790 is offline
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Default Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys

I posted in this thread saying at the star i thought beasties were in the wrong. having read it all my view has changed, and also i think it was really good of yauch to put his points across and make this thread even more a decent discussion.

i was there at Raeding 98, so Yauch if you come across this firstly thanks for putting on an awesome show. that nite you made an 8 year old very ahhpy indeed. i was by no means supporting what the prodigy were saying (maxin mainly) bout you guys in their set. it was kinda immature and they seemed determined to make a big thing out of it, which especially sucks as you guys were just discussing dropping the song with them (rather ploitely by the sounds of things).

smack my bitch up isn't even the Prodigys phrase by the way, its taken from ultramagnetic mc's. while it is offensive (my mum saw the video...what a response) its not really the point of the song. well to me anyway i just love those beats! i'm a afan of both groups, i'll never love the prodigy as much as the beastie but i have been into them for a long time (prodigy).

so yeah basically i don't think you where in the wrong, and i agree with everything you've i take back my earlier comment.from the prodigys point of view though they are excellent live and that song is something alot of fans want to see live...i mean if they had dropped it fans woulda all been like 'i was gettin ready to go mental to smack my bitch up and they never played...oh the beasties are on forget that rubbish!'

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