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Old 02-25-2017, 12:36 PM
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TurdBerglar TurdBerglar is offline
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Default Re: transgender kids hanging out with my daughter

I think what we know as feminine is totally constructed. Not natural behavior. The more feminine someone is the more impractical and more of a burden they are to themselves and to those around them. This level of impracticality/helplessness completely goes against nature. If girls weren't constantly corralled into being feminine they'd totally end up what we consider to be more masculine and what we see as feminine/girly wouldn't exist in the exaggerated form it's in today.

Boys have absolutely more freedom to be themselves than girls.

Think of that typical girl that grew up on a farm doing farm shit her whole upbringing. Wasn't treated like a lady at all and ended up being a total badass.

If differences between the genders wouldn't be so exaggerated. The gender line wouldn't exist in it's exaggerated form.

This exaggeration, I think, is what's causing people to feel all this distress about themselves.

Last edited by TurdBerglar : 02-25-2017 at 12:39 PM.
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